According to HODL15 Capital, BlackRock has more than $11.60 trillion in assets under management and 1,101 funds. The spot bitcoin ETF IBIT ranks 11th among all funds with $58.90 billion in assets under management.
据HODL15Capital监测,贝莱德资产管理规模超过11.6万亿美元,拥有1,101只基金。现货比特币ETF IBIT在所有基金中排名第11,资产管理规模达589亿美元。
On June 10, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) reported that Malaysia's palm oil exports in May were 1378,443 tons, an increase of 11.66% compared with the previous month.
据RootData公布的数据显示,3月份加密领域融资额超过11.6亿美元,是过去12个月来的第二高金额,较2月份相比,跃升52%。数据显示,大部分资金投入了加密基础设施和去中心化金融(DeFi)项目,尤其是那些建立在以太坊区块链上的项目。其它流行的区块链包括Polygon和BNB Chain。大约三分之一的资金分配给了位于美国的项目。